Thursday, March 24, 2011

Andy's surprise 22nd celebration :)

ss-ing in baker's cottage while Kerina buying Andy's birthday cake :)

beautiful!! a surprise birthday celebration for andy XDXD

happy birthday man!!! you are a poser! LOL

for sure,group photo after a simple dinner XD

after dinner we headed to barroom :)
we need some alcohol runs in our blood vessels after some assignment X)

boey shoelaces MAD CHIO!!!!! she want to show off only in this photo :P

pattern!! birthday boy show off his musular body and BOOBIES.LOL

everyone get tipsy after a long island tower and of cuz bacardi :DD

it was a great night although ppl gone a bit crazy after tipsy.hahahhaa
anyway,happy birthday to you andy!! it was a late post but you should be VERY PROUD EHH!!!
I purposely wrote a post for you .HAHAHAHA XD


  1. thanks Cjan~ hahah thanks for purposely write a blog for my birthday~ Like it so much.hahaha was happy tat night with surprise and kerina virgin club~ wow

  2. are very welcome poser chin ><
    yes! we must pratice this kind of party very oftenly.HAHA!

  3. jelly was here to click "LIKE". =D
